Miscellaneous Content Collection within the Month
This is a compilation of miscellaneous content from the past month, covering topics such as downloading Twitter videos, Elasticsearch, and a quick start guide to Kubernetes. Twitter Download with ...
This is a compilation of miscellaneous content from the past month, covering topics such as downloading Twitter videos, Elasticsearch, and a quick start guide to Kubernetes. Twitter Download with ...
When migrating MySQL services to Elasticsearch for query operations, utilizing wildcards in Elasticsearch can significantly improve fuzzy query performance. The introduction of the ‘es7.9’ paramete...
上车华强北 IWatch 夏天的时候去水上公园游了一次,就进水坏了。找了多个修手表的都说修不好,网上搜了下 IWatch手表大部分的生命周期都终止于进水 如知乎: 目前有没有因进水而坏掉的apple watch? 因为今年的家庭 消费降级,轮换手表是个问题,目前IWatch S1 Ultra 还是要 2600左右和美版差不多价格,这价格估计还得持续很久。 最终还是决策买个华强北。华强...
This article provides a step-by-step guide on setting up a Kubernetes (K8s) dashboard on Docker Desktop for Mac. It covers the entire process from building the Docker Desktop K8s environment to cre...
Learn the fundamental syntax of SequenceDiagram quickly with this tutorial. Explore how to create interaction diagrams, customize them, and represent object interactions using SequenceDiagram, a po...
Dive into the world of Kubernetes with our comprehensive guide, ‘Kubernetes Essentials: Starting Your Journey with K8S - Lesson 01’. This introductory lesson is tailored for beginners and offers a ...
Explore the synergies of using a Virtual Private Server (VPS) with SingBOX Notes in our guide, “Maximizing SingBOX Notes Efficiency with VPS: The Ultimate Guide”. This comprehensive article unveils...
中国有三家主要的IP传输运营商:中国电信(CT,市场份额最大),中国联通(CU)和中国移动国际(CMI)。它们为中国的居民客户、企业客户以及移动客户提供服务。 这些公司中的每一家都提供多个层次的IP传输,从廉价到非常昂贵不等。每个层次都有特定的用途,并伴随着自己的一系列问题。 除此之外,这三个网络之间的互联安排并不简单。例如,对于中国到美国的方向,中国电信在2019年停止了与中国联通和中...
My eldest son participated in this year’s summer military camp, and the photo streaming service we used was PixLive. However, PixLive’s image recognition capabilities fell short, failing to accurat...
This mind map provides insights into the power of TED Talks and shares techniques for effective public speaking, including body language, cue cards, crafting compelling stories, and engaging with t...